Wednesday 14 April 2010

be of good cheer

I have struggled these past couple of days, enduring the storms of life as you could say and trying to endure it well. We all have trials right?

I read an article today by Josoph B. Wirthin that had some very good points and scriptures references, referring to enduring our trials. One thing he pointed out is that Heavenly Father will not take our trials away, even if we are doing all that is right. That is a humbling thing to think about, especially when we pray for them to pass from us and plead with him to ease the pain of the trial.

Heavenly Father wants to see how we will handle these situations, but He also doesn't just abandon us. As the Savior says in the Doctorine of Covenants, "Be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you and will stand by you."
It is comforting to know that although Heavenly Father will not take my trials away, even if I pray my guts out, but He did send His son to sacrifice His life so that he could understand and walk with me in my path. What a blessing it is to know that with surity.

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