Monday 9 January 2012

the tree

This evening I was asked if there was a certain part of Lehi's vision in the Book of Mormon that had special meaning to me. The answer is yes, and very much so. I have always loved the "tree" part of the vision because it represents the God's love for His Children and the desire that they return to Him. This is a message of Hope.

I imagine if I saw such a tree I would want to take in all of it's wonder and eat of it's fruit in abundance. Lately I feel like I crave the Love of God and the more I ask for it, the more he gives. This dream is a representation of that Love, and that partaking of the fruits of the tree are a representation of eating the fruits of the Atonement. "Greater Love hath not man that this". When I try to comprehend the sacrifice Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ made for me, so that I may experience joy and eternal life. The tree is an exquisite representation, and only begins to touch on what that might feel like.

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